LASO Letras
Lone Star College-North Harris 

LASO Letras Blog
The LASO Letras Blog goes from basic to brilliant as needed. We'll post everything ranging from the agenda to our next meeting to action items for a particular event. 

We'll also post those deep thoughts triggered in your head after a great History lecture, or maybe the poem inspired by listening to one of our visiting authors.  

So come back often or updates and submit your ideas sooner than later.

LASO Letras

LASO's Election Series Part I and II

by Team LASO on 10/05/18

The Latin American Student Organization - LASO Presents 

The LASO Election Series Part I and Part II

Part I

The Latin American Student Organization (LASO) welcomes
Congressman Beto O’Rourke to LSC-North Harris.
Monday, Oct. 8
Noon – 1:30 p.m.
Health and Wellness Building, Gym
For more information, please visit 

Part II

LASO Election Series

Meet the Candidates for Harris County Commissioner's Court
Wed. Oct. 17, 2018 Noon - 1pm. ACAD 126
LSC-North Harris Campus
2700 W.W. Thorne Drive
Houston, TX 77073-3499

Adrian Garcia Candidate for Harris County Commissioner Prct 2

Penny Shaw Candidate Harris County Commissioner Precinct 2

More info:

How much power does a Harris County Commissioner possess?
What the duties of a a Harris County Commissioner?
How large is their budget?
What functions do they preside over?
How do they influence education? 

There will be an opportunity for questions from students.

 Visit www.LASOLSC. for updates.

LASO cannot endorse any candidate for elected office; however, as a student group LASO wants to promote civic engagement and provide opportunities for students to meet and speak with professionals, community leaders, and elected officials. 

Candidates from all political parties are welcome. 

Critical Thinking Skills vs The Robots

by Team LASO on 07/11/18

Tomorrow's jobs require impressing a bot with quick thinking

NEW YORK (Reuters) - When Andrew Chamberlain started in his job four years ago in the research group at jobs website, he worked in a programing language called Stata. Then it was R. Then Python. Then PySpark.

“My dad was a commercial printer and did the same thing for 30 years. I have to continually stay on stuff,” said Chamberlain, who is now the chief economist for the site.  Chamberlain already has one of the jobs of the future - a perpetually changing, shifting universe of work that requires employees to be critical thinkers and fast on their feet.  

Recruiters are looking for those nimble enough to constantly learn new technologies and apply their skills on the fly - and some are now using automated software, or ‘bots’, to weed out candidates. 

They are not necessarily looking for knowledge of certain software. They are looking for what most consider soft skills: problem solving, effective communication and leadership.

LASO Events for Spring 2017

by Team LASO on 01/23/17

LASO Events Spring 2017


LASO Events Spring 2017

For your posting and texting convenience, here is a shortened link to a blog post with this information:


The Latin American Student Organization (LASO) meets Mondays 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm at LSC-North Harris ACAD 223. We are looking for student leaders to begin chapters at LSC Greenspoint and LSC Victory Center.

Enroll in: Mexican American Literature, Mondays/Wednesdays, 9 am - 10:20 am, with Professor Diaz, El Librotraficante.  LSC-NH ACAD 222.


Saturday, Feb. 18: The Houston Hispanic Forum Career and Education Day (CED). George R. Brown Convention Center 9 am – 3pm. Free.

Thursday Feb. 23 – Saturday, Feb. 25, National Association of Chicana & Chicano Studies Tejas Foco Regional Conference, Texas A & M University, College Station.


Thursday, March 2 6:30 pm - 7p,Free
Reading featuring writers from the  anthology "Entre Guadalupe y Malinche: Tejanas in Literature and Art," with Chicana icons Norma Cantu and Ines Hernandez at Nuestra Palabra Arts and Books Home of Pancho Clause 333 S. Jensen (Inside TBH, 3 blocks down from the oringal Ninfas.)

Wednesday, March 8, 9 am – 10 am Daniel Pena, Writer, Professor University of Houston, LSC-NH ACAD 222


Thursday, March 23,

Noon – 1pm: Lone Star College-North Harris WRC SSB-204

2pm – 3pm Greenspoint

Super Latina Power Hour: Poetry presentation by Leslie Contreras Schwartz author of the poetry collection Fuego.


Wednesday, March 8: 7pm - 9 pm, Free

Release party for h6-the latest issue of Dagoberto Gilb's literary magazine Huizache. Featuring nationally renowned writer Dagoberto Gilb (Before the End, After The Beginning) and Chicana legend poet Lorna Dee Cervantes


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

12:30 PM – 1:30 Victory Center 114

LASO Latino Poetry Jam with LASO

Hosted by writer, activist and professor Tony Diaz, El Librotraficante


El Día de Los Libros!
Hispanic Heritage in Houston
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
LSC-North Harris

LASO Latino Poetry Jam In Honor of

the Bayou City Book Festival:

Libros en Español night.

Hosted by writer, activist and professor Tony Diaz, El Librotraficante 


Monday, April 10: LASO at the Movies: Showing of “Pride and Prejudice 9 am – 10:20 am, LSC-NH ACAD (TBA)

Pending Guest Speakers:

Michelle Tovar, Latino Outreach for the Houston Holocaust Muse

Michela Selly, Hispanic Archives at the Houston Library

Dr. Elizabeth Farfán-Santos, University of Houston

Author of the book: Black Bodies, Black Rights: The Politics of Quilombolismo in Contemporary Brazil.


Pending event:

Dia de La Familia at St. Leo’s Summer Bazaar

Journal Entries

by Team LASO on 12/05/16

Journal Entries May Consist of the Following:

  1. In-class quizzes
  2. You may elaborate on in-class quizzes
  3. Rough draft of letters to the editor
  4. Letters to the editor that are published.
  5. Extrapolations on class discussions
  6. Hard concrete descriptions of objects, any objects, yes, any objects, okay, such as: the keys in your pocket, your left shoe, your tooth brush, the next manbag you see, formica.  Write one entry per object.   Or pick your own. 
  7. Analyses of essays from our anthology not discussed in class.
  8. Analysis of arguments from newspapers
  9. Analyses of political arguments, commercials, products
  10. Audience analysis of an event, a publication, or a broadcast, or something else.
  11. Prove that everything is an argument: Describe how specific random objects are arguments, such as: the keys in your pocket, your left shoe, your tooth brush, the next manbag you see, formica.  Write one entry per object.   Or pick your own. 
  12. I will also identify certain in-class exercises or notes as counting towards journal entries.
  13. Analyze the intended audiences for billboards, tv commercials, radio ads, or other products surrounding you.


You can also pitch me a topic.

Analysis Guide: A short template

by Team LASO on 12/05/16

Analysis Guide: A template

Identify the following components for the essay you are analyzing:

Title:                ___________________________________

Author:            ___________________________________

Type of argument:       Either 1.) To Convince or 2.) To explore.

Line of argument:  Either 1.) Logo 2.) Pathos 3.) Ethos

Intended audience: Gender, 10 year age span, education level, income.

Claim: ___________________________________


Reason: ___________________________________


Overview: ___________________________________

Combine these elements into complete sentences for your introduction, which can be 3 to 5 sentences.  However, you must mention each component. That is all you need.


Write your introduction on a separate sheet of paper. You next body paragraphs will be focused on the 3 quotations you identified that the author uses to prove the Claim and Reason.


Here is how the quotation should be set up. Use these words before the quotation.:

            In the middle of the essay, the author’s use of (pathos) is evident when she writes, “Quotation.”

            Write out your quotation.

a.     Why did this passage capture your attention?

b.     Circle one specific word that revealed the audience to you.  Write that word here: _______. How did that word reveal the audience to you?  Write out your response.

c.     How is that word an example of the line of argument that you identify?  Write your response.

d.     Which word reveals the claim or reason that you identified?  Write it here: ___________.   Why does that word reveal the claim or reason?

e.     Circle another word in that quotation that reveals the audience to you: _________.

f.      How did that word reveal the audience to you?  Write your response.

g.     How is that word an example of the line of argument that you identify?  Write your response.

h.     How does this quotation fit into the overall essay or short story?

Combine your above responses into complete sentences to create one paragraph of at least 8 lines of analysis.  If you fall short of 8 lines, look for the word or words that further reveal the audience, line of argument, the claim, reason, or even warrants at work.  You can also discuss how certain metaphors or analogies play a role in the argument. 


Follow the above steps, all of them, for your 2nd Quotation and 3rd quotation.